Explore the extensive global network of scholar resources with Casemate Academic‘s Distributed Publishers, that provides access to publications across various fields such as archaeology, history, literature, and cultural studies. From Oxford Archaeology and Windgather Press, to Bridge 21 Publications and Sidestone Press, Casemate Academic ensures a diverse and comprehensive catalog that supports academics, researchers, and students in accessing high-quality scholarly material.
- A
- B
- Bannerstone Press
- Bannu Archaeological Project
- Barkhuis
- Bellendaine Books
- Benben Publications
- Birlinn
- Blikvelduitgevers Publishers
- Bokforlaget Stolpe
- Bridge 21 Publications
- British Institute at Ankara
- British Institute for Libyan and Northern African
- British Institute for the Study of Iraq
- British Museum
- British School at Rome
- Broken Hill Publishers Ltd
- Butrint Foundation
- C
- Cambridge Philological Society
- Casemate
- Casemate Academic
- Celtic Studies Publications
- Center for Global Development
- Chipstone Foundation
- Coptic Orthodox Church Centre at Shephalbury Manor
- Cornucopia Books/Caique Publishing
- Council for British Archaeology
- Council for British Research in the Levant
- Countryside Books
- Czech Institute of Egyptology
- The Center for Environmental Structure
- H
- I
- J
- M
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- P
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